The Queen of Rejection™ communication coach - speaker - psychotherapist - author
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Rejection hurts.

A look, a tone of voice, or certain words from a loved
one, friend, or co-worker can ruin your whole day …
Or week … Or year. Wouldn’t you like to regain YOUR power around rejection?

Don’t Take It Personally! ®

Elayne Savage, The Queen of Rejection™

I'm Dr. Elayne Savage, The Queen of Rejection.®  I am known as a skillful communication coach and internationally respected expert on: overcoming rejection, handling disappointment, not taking things so personally, improving communication skills, and dealing with difficult people.

With over twenty-five years of coaching, consulting, and clinical experience, I have helped hundreds of couples, individuals, and business professionals, cope with these negative forces and regain control of their lives–personally & professionally.

  • How often do you feel slighted, unappreciated or treated unfairly?
  • Do you get hurt or angry? Does resentment start to build?
  • Do you spend hours dwelling on what someone said or did?
  • Is today's frustration standing between you and your next success?

You don't have to take things so personally.
Don't let distractions and stresses get in your way.

I've always taken things personally. If someone looked at me
sideways, or said something like, "What makes you think that?"
— I'd get my feelings hurt and burst into tears.

That's how I came to be “The Queen of Rejection” and write Don't Take It Personally! I wish a book on overcoming rejection was available to me years ago.
Perhaps I wouldn't have accumulated so many dings and dents along the Rejection Road.

What a bumpy road it sometimes was. When I was twelve
years old my mother and grandmother died in a plane crash...
Read the rest of my story.

Elayne's consultations, keynotes, seminars, books and counseling pave the way to overcoming rejection.

Breathing Room – Solutions for building  relationship resilience,  handling rejection and  improving communication  and connection.

Don't Take It  Personally!  Learn to deal with  difficult people,  overcome rejection  and handle  disappointment


Dr. Elayne Savage is the best therapist and workplace coach around! She's great with looking at options and alternatives and helping you feel ‘unstuck.’ I leave our sessions feeling positive and very grateful to have an objective person help me talk through issues.

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The Queen of Rejection®

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